We have got all our midterm grades back now and here is my breakdown. Just a note: the midterms are only worth between 25% to 30% of the overall grade and the remaining 70-75% will be left for the final. So a poor midterm won't really break your chances if you do well on the final. By the same token, you don't want to do so poorly on the midterm that you are forced to do overwhelmingly well on the final (which seems impossible).
I passed my Criminal Law midterm and did the best on Contracts. Torts, however, I did the worst on and I am at the low end of passing. I made some stupid mistakes on the Torts midterm, so that grade is very much salvagable. Also, the Torts midterm was only 25% and therefore the final is big.
On February 6th, I have my Criminal Law final. I am feeling prepared. We are encouraged to turn in previous exams to our professor and he will grade them. I've been getting high B's on them, so now I just need to transform that to the actual test. Wish me luck!