Thursday, April 04, 2013

Segments of Glory - Non Sanctioned Racing

We all know Lance is disgraced and banned from competitive events, and pretty much thought of as some type of psychotic narcissistic bully.  But he's also a lifelong competitor, and an accomplished one at that (the source of his accomplishments can be debated for sure).  So what does he do when all his outlets for competition (athletically) ban him from participation?  He tries to find an avenue and means for getting back in the game and letting everyone know he's "still got it."  That's what ego driven people do as they need the spotlight and public adoration to keep their lives full of meaning.

Just this week it was announced Lance Armstrong is now planning on competing in Masters Swimming.  How can he do this when he's been banned from competitive events that are governed by the United States Anti Doping Agency?  Well, here is a little article explaining why and how he can compete in swimming.  But the main point is, the events aren't under the umbrella of USADA and therefore they can't say they will take their ball and go home - you're not wanted here Lance!