Friday, July 30, 2004

Matt's Blog

Matt is the blogger extraordinaire over at The Bearded Cognoscenti and is making some great insights with humor. He has a good post on the Hair-scapade revelation from Kerry's speech.

Hitting the tough issues
The 2004 Democratic convention came to an end with
the most controversial stand in recent memory. Finally, a politician was
willing to go against the party lines and tackle an issue that has been a plague
among inner-city youths and 80's pollution. On Thursday
night, Vietnam tough guy and presidential hopeful John Kerry gave hope to many
when stating "What does it mean when twenty five percent of the children in
Harlem have asthma because of hair pollution? America can do better.
And help is on the way." No child should suffer from a cruddy cut or dusty
do. We can do better. We must do better. This is the
Ulta-mite challenge for every
American. But how do we address an issue that seems to polarize the
country. Who to shampoo? Where to Nair? There are no easy
answers to these questions. Fortunately, the man with the luxurious locks
seems to have a plan. Sadly, like most issues, he hasn't offered any
solutions. He only knows that we can do better.

1 comment:

Cognoscenti said...

It really is worth the money. A perfect blend of comedy and commentary on the issues that matter the most. You can even view the site at