Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Resume of 4

President Bush and John Kerry are both touting the number 4 on their resume for the Presidency of the United States. President Bush is putting his last four years as leader of the free world up for vote and Kerry is countering with his four months of service in Vietnam as a swift boat captain. On the surface this sounds a bit ridiculous as Bush would obviously have a huge advantage as far as work experience. John Kerry wasn't even a General, just a captain of a boat for the duration of four months some 30 years ago. But when you really investigate the issue you realize the brilliance of the Kerry Campaign in ignoring the last 20 years of service in the US Senate and concentrating solely on Kerry's exploits in the jungle. His record in the Senate isn't that impressive and he wants to be seen as a military leader.

The Kerry Campaign doesn't want to seem light on experience but risks losing votes when exposing the actual super-liberal voting record on Kerry's 20 years in the Senate. Therefore they are buffeting his purple hearts and bravery and the fact he enlisted himself to serve when so many others went north to Canada. But shouldn't a presidential candidate be judged on his entire life and perhaps we should put a little more weight on the last few years of making decisions rather than those made just after college?

Much like an Owner of a major sports team when assessing talent, we should make our decision based on "what have you done lately." So, John Kerry, what have you done lately?

1 comment:

Cognoscenti said...

Great column! I couldn't agree more. If Kerry believes that he is right on the issues, let him embrace and defend his record. Hopefully, the true Kerry will reveal himself in the upcoming debates.