Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Update - Achilles Tendon Injury and Recovery

Two weeks ago I was playing basketball and tore my Achilles tendon (almost a complete tear).  From what I've heard from others, the stories of injury are typically the same.  It feels like someone is kicking or hitting your ankle from behind.  For me, I was making a fast move (fast is relative at my age) towards the hoop and thought someone from the next court had come over and stepped on my ankle or hit me with a hammer.  As I looked back to give a yell to whomever ambushed me, I noticed no one was there.  I knew it was my Achilles tendon.    Immediately my mind went to the scene from CaddyShack where Carl Spackler (Bill Murray) tells Ty Webb (Chevy Chase) about Judge Smails (Ted Knight) - 
If he bothers you, I'll take care of him. What you've got to do is cut the hamstring on the back of his leg right at the bottom. He'll never play golf again, because his weight displacement goes back, all his weight is on his right foot, and he'll push everything off to the right. He'll never come through on anything. He'll quit the game.
 Now I didn't injure my hamstring, but I was aware of the need for some levity and also still worry about my golf-swing.

I had surgery just three days after the injury by the great Dr. Boody in Placerville, and then spent two weeks with my right foot wrapped in a splint while staying completely off the foot.  I'm hating the crutches already.  Today the splint came off and I got to view the wound.  Dr. Boody seemed happy that the wound was healing nicely and the stitches were taken out.  

Just today (two weeks after surgery) I got a nice green cast put on.  The kids will enjoy signing it and drawing pictures and since it's waterproof I'll enjoy it much more than I would have if it was plaster.  Four weeks is all I have to endure this cast, then I'll be in a walking boot and it'll be time for some physical therapy and getting this ankle/tendon on the path to recovery.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hard core! Lucky for you battle wounds swoon women!