Wednesday, November 07, 2012

The Day after Tomorrow

I would love to write about the 2012 Presidential election and how I'm sick of the looters, moochers and those that simply want other people's money and are getting it by legal plunder.... but I'll digress.  Instead, I'll focus on cycling and my own upcoming racing season with the hope that I'll have money left over after taxes to afford it.

The 2013 cycling season will feature a new team in the Northern California area.  Data Driven Athlete is a new sponsor on the block and has formed a team of about 10-12 riders focusing on mid-level amateur racing.  Data Driven Athlete is the coaching service company formed by Nathanael Dunn that focuses on coaching with a power meter to get the most out of training, racing and your busy life.

Folsom Bike has also joined our team and I'm sure I'll be visiting the shop in the near future for all my cycling needs.

I am looking forward to racing with a group of guys this year that are excited and ready to give each race their best and hopefully get some results.  I'm hoping to do at least 20 races this year.  The season will be upon us soon, and the off-season has already begun.  I hope to see you on the road.  If you see a rider in the flashy new kits shown here, waive and say hi.

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