Monday, July 26, 2004

Democrat Convention

The Dems had their first night of speakers at the 2004 convention.  Al Gore managed to restrain that large vein in his neck from bulging and making his eye twitch.  His voice did start to growl but obviously the person controlling Al's rheostat was under orders to keep it low.  Robotic Al has been coming un-hinged as of late and the party can't afford a large scale melt-down on national TV.  And can Hilary speak in a normal voice?  Much too stilted and always with the yelling.  Anyways, it's a great opportunity for the country to see the true Democrat party.  I also like the way they are pushing the news story that they will have "no Bush Bashing" during this convention.  That seems to clear the way for the Bush bashing and the news media accepts it as true. 

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